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Treatment of Pressure Ulcers
Various topical agents have been used in treating pressure ulcers. Some of these agents (e.g., astringents, alkaline soap products) have proven harmful. Beneficial agents include enzymes, antiseptics, oxidizing agents, and dry dextranomer beads.
The agent of choice depends on the depth of the ulcer. Deeper ulcers may derive greater benefit from enzyme application.
Local treatment of pressure ulcers also includes using various dressings. The occlusive dressings are a group of dressings that are widely marketed and are being used with increasing frequency to treat pressure ulcers. These dressings (including transparent dressings, hydrocolloid dressings, and hydrogels) may be used in combination with topical agents or by themselves.
Potential Nursing Diagnoses
Impaired skin integrity
Wash basin, soap, water, cleansing agent or prescribed topical agents, ordered dressings, skin protectant, cotton-tipped applicators, hypoallergenic tape or adhesive dressing sheet (Hypofix), disposable and sterile gloves, measuring device
Steps and Rationale
1. Wash hands and don gloves.
* Reduces transmission of blood-borne pathogens. Gloves should be worn when handling items soiled by body fluids.
2. Close room door or bedside curtains.
* Maintains client's privacy.
3. Position client comfortably with area of decubitus ulcer and surrounding skin easily accessible.
* Area should be accessible for cleansing of ulcer and surrounding skin.
4. Assess pressure ulcer and surrounding skin to determine ulcer stage (Table 3).
a. Note color, moisture, and appearance of skin around ulcer.
* Skin condition may indicate progressive tissue damage. Retained moisture causes maceration.
b. Measure two perpendicular diameters.
* Provides an objective measure of wound size. May determine type of dressing chosen. Surface area = length (L) x width (W).
c. Measure depth of pressure ulcer using a sterile cotton-tipped applicator or other device that will allow a measurement of wound depth.
* Depth measure is important for determining wound volume. Although surface area adequately represents tissue loss in stage 1 and 2 ulcers, volume more adequately represents tissue loss in the deeper stage 3 through 4 wounds.
Volume = 2(L x D) + 2 (W x D) + (L + D)
d. Measure depth (D) of skin undermined by lateral tissue necrosis. Use a sterile cotton-tipped applicator and gently probe under skin edges.
* Undermining represents the loss of underlying tissues to a greater extent than that of the skin. Undermining may indicate progressive tissue necrosis.
5. Wash skin surrounding ulcer gently with warm water and soap. Rinse area thoroughly with water.
* Cleansing of skin surface reduces number of resident bacteria. Soap can be irritating to skin.
6. Gently dry skin thoroughly by patting lightly with towel.
* Retained moisture causes maceration of skin layers.
7. Apply sterile gloves.
* Aseptic technique must be maintained during cleansing, measuring, and application of dressings. (Check institutional policy regarding use of clean or sterile gloves.)
8. Cleanse ulcer thoroughly with normal saline or cleansing agent.
* Removes debris of digested material from wound. Previously applied enzymes may require soaking for removal.
a. Use irrigating syringe for deep ulcers.
b. Cleansing may be accomplished in the shower with a hand-held shower head.
c. Whirlpool treatments may be used to assist with wound cleansing and debridement.
9. Apply topical agents, if prescribed (Table 4):
l Keeping gloves sterile, place small amount of enzyme ointment in palm of hand.
* It is not necessary to apply thick layer of ointment. A thin layer absorbs and acts more effectively. Excess medication can irritate surrounding skin. Apply only to necrotic areas.
l Soften medication by rubbing briskly in palm of hand.
* Makes ointment easier to apply to ulcer.
l Apply thin, even layer of ointment over necrotic areas of ulcer. Do not apply enzyme to surrounding skin.
* Proper distribution of ointment ensures effective action. Enzyme can cause burning, paresthesia, and dermatitis to surrounding skin.
l Moisten gauze dressing in saline and apply directly over ulcer.
* Protects wound. Keeping ulcer surface moist reduces time needed for healing. Skin cells normally live in moist environment.
l Cover moistened gauze with single piece of dry gauze and tape securely in place.
* Prevents bacteria from entering moist dressing.
l Deep ulcers: apply antiseptic ointment to dominant gloved hand and spread ointment in and around ulcer. (Avoid spread of contamination if area is infected.)
* Antiseptic ointment causes minimal tissue irritation. All surfaces of wound must be covered to effectively control bacterial growth.
l Apply sterile gauze pad over ulcer and tape securely in place.
* Protects ulcer and prevents removal of ointment during turning or repositioning.
Dextranomer Beads
l Hold container of beads approximately I inch (2.5 cm) above ulcer site and lightly sprinkle 5 mm-diameter layer over wound.
* Layer of insoluble powder is needed to absorb wound exudate.
l Apply gauze dressing over ulcer.
* Holds beads in place and protects wound.
Hydrocolloid Beads/Paste
l Fill ulcer defect to approximately half of the total depth with hydrocolloid beads or paste.
* Hydrocolloid beads/paste will assist in absorbing wound drainage. Highly draining wounds are best treated with hydrocolloid beads/granules.
l Cover with hydrocolloid dressing; extend dressing 1 to 1 1/2 inches beyond edges of wound.
* Dressing maintains wound humidity. May be left in place up to 7 days.
Hydrogel Agents
l Cover surface of ulcer with hydrogel using sterile applicator or gloved hand.
* Maintains wound humidity while absorbing excess drainage. May be used as a carrier for topical agents.
l Apply dry, fluffy gauze over gel to completely cover ulcer.
* Holds hydrogel against wound surface, is absorbent.
Calcium Alginates
l Pack wound with alginate using applicator or gloved hand.
* Maintains wound humidity while absorbing excess drainage.
l Apply dry gauze, foam, or hydrocolloid over alginate.
* Holds alginate against wound surface
10. Reposition client comfortably off pressure ulcer.
* Avoids accidental removal of dressings.
11. Remove gloves and dispose of soiled supplies. Wash hands.
* Prevents transmission of microorganisms.
12. Record appearance of ulcer and treatment (type of topical agent used, dressing applied, and client's response) in nurse's notes.
* Baseline observations and subsequent inspections reveal progress of healing. Documents care.
13. Report any deterioration in ulcer's appearance to nurse in charge or physician.
* Deterioration of condition may indicate need for additional therapy.
Nurse Alert
Early ulcers tend to have irregular borders; with time, borders become smooth and rounded. If wound is large, irrigating with plain sterile water from an irrigating syringe may be helpful.
Teaching Considerations
All individuals participating in client's wound care should be taught the correct method to administer ulcer care.
Geriatric Considerations
Medicare regulations limit reimbursement for some types of pressure relief equipment used for Stages 3, 4, and 5 pressure ulcers.
Description of Appearance
Stage I: Nonblanchable erythema of the intact skin; may be soft or indurated; edge is usually irregular.
Stage II: Partial-thickness skin loss involves epidermis and/or dermis. Ulcer is superficial and presents clinically as an abrasion, blister, or shallow crater.
Stage III: Full-thickness skin loss involves damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue that may extend to the fascia. Ulcer presents clinically as a deep crater, with or without undermining of adjacent skin.
Stage IV: Full-thickness skin loss occurs with extensive destruction or necrosis through subcutaneous layers into muscle and bone. Ulcer edge appears to "roll over" into the defect and is a tough fibrinous ring.
Stage V: Lesion is covered by a tough membranous layer that may be rigidly adherent to the ulcer base. Stage is difficult to determine until eschar has sloughed or has been surgically removed
洗涤盆、肥皂、水、清洁剂或处方局部搽剂、指定敷料、护肤剂、棉签(棉头涂药器)、低敏胶布或胶布敷料贴和一次性无菌手套、测量设备等。 |