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来源:  作者:admin

His extraordinary reply reduced me to silence.
308.accomplish vt. 完成(任务等);做成功
I don’t feel our visit really accomplished anything.
309.accuse vt. 指责,控告,谴责
He was accused of murder.
310.summarize vt. & vi. 总结,概述
She summarized the aims of the new party in a couple of sentences.
311.assemble vi. & vt. 集合,聚集,收集;装配,组合
We assembled in the main hall to listen to the lecture.
312.strike n. & vt. & vi. 打,击;袭击;罢工;给以```感受;罢课;袭击
Workers struck for better working conditions.
313.survive vt. & vi. 比```活得长,经历```之后不存在;幸存,残存
Few building survived the fire.
314.refer vt. (~to) 提到,说起;参考,查阅;有关;提交```作决定
Let me just refer to my notes to find the exact figures.
315.accumulate vi. 积累,积聚
He gradually accumulated an impressive collection of paintings.
316.property n. 财产,所有物;房产;地皮;特性
Oil has the property of floating on water.
317.previous a. 在先的,以前的
Have you had any previous experience of this kind of work?
318.constant a. 恒久不变的;连续发生的
He drove at a constant.
319.continuous a. 持续的,不间断的
The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.
320.effective a. 产生预期效果的,有效的;效果好的;事实上的;生效的
She needs an effective treatment for hair loss.
321.consult v. 查阅;咨询;请教
Have you consulted a doctor about your disease?
322.vary v. 相异;变化,改变
The weather varied from very cold to quite mild.
323.withdraw v. 提取;收回;撤退,撤出;退出
She withdrew $50 from her bank account.
324.comfort n. & v. 舒适;安慰,慰藉;安慰
My husband was a great comfort to me when our son was ill.
325.reduction n. 减少,减低;缩版,缩图
There is a slight reduction in the price of food.
326.process n. & v. 过程,进程;程序,步骤;工序;加工,处理
The company is still the process of moving to a new factory.
327.stock n. & v. 储备品,备用物;存货,现货,公债,证券;储备;供应
How long will coal stocks last ?
328.exposure n. 暴露,显露;揭发,揭露
After only a short exposure to sunlight he began to turn red.
329.bare a. 赤裸的,光秃的;空的;露出,使赤裸
You’ll cut yourself if you walk around here in bare feet.
330.considerate a. 体贴的,替他人着想的,考虑周全的
He is always very considerate towards to old people?
331.sensible a. 明智的,合理的,切合实际的
She’s very sensible about money.