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来源:  作者:admin

258. exhibit vt. & vi. & n. 展出,展览;表示;展品,证物
She has exhibited her paintings in paris.
259. attain vt. 获得,达成
He attained his objectives by hard work.
260. oblige vt. 使非作不可,迫使;施恩惠于……
I felt oblige to leave after such an unpleasant quarrel.
261. issue n. & vt. 问题,争议点;发行物;发行;发行,分配,发给
I bought the new stamp on the day of its issue.
262. motion n. & vi. 运动,移动;动作,姿势;提议;向……作手势
Parts of the film were shown again in slow motion.
263. procedure n. 程序;步骤,手续
What’s the cored procedure for renewing your car tax?
264. excessive a. 过多的,过度的
The prices at this hotel are excessive.
265. identical a. 完全相同的,同一的
Your voice is identical to hers.
266. sensitive a. 易受影响;感受(鉴赏)力强的;灵敏度高的,微妙的
This sensitive issue should not be told to the press.
267. average a. & n. & vi. 平均数的;平常的;平均数的;平均水平
Average earnings in the country are about $500 a month.
268.offend vt. 伤害……的感情,使反感,冒犯;触犯
I was very offended that you forgot my birthday.
269.define vt. 给……下定义;规定,明确;显示……的特征
The powers of the president are defined in the law.
270.assume vt. 假定 ,假设 ;行使,担任 ;呈现出
We can’t just assume her guilt.
271.reverse a. 相反的,颠倒的;倒车;颠倒;相反,倒档
The car reversed through the gate.
272.decay vt. & vi. & n. (使)腐败,(使)腐败;衰落;腐朽;龋齿
Sugar can decay the teeth.
273.approach n. & vi. & vt. 走近,接近;(初次)接洽;靠近,入口;方法
The time is approaching when we will have to leave.
274.contrast n. & vt. 对比,对照;差异,差别;使成对照,形成对照
Such a contrast between brother and sister is surprising.
275.temporary a. 暂时的,短时间的
They often find temporary jobs during their summer holidays.
276.comparatively ad. 比较地,相对地
Comparatively speaking, these products are quite cheap.
277.tender a. 疼痛的,一触即痛的;嫩的;心肠软的,体贴的
The wound is still very tender.
278.efficient a. 效率高的
She is a quick efficient worker.
279.consistent a. 一贯的,始终如一的;一致的,符合的
This statement is not consistent with what you said earlier.
280.adequate a. 适当的,足够的,充分的;可以胜任的,尚可的
The city’s water supply is no longer adequate.
281.cooperate vi. 合作,协作
The British cooperated with the French in designing the satellite.
282.undergo vt. 经历,遭受
She’s undergoing treatment at the hospital.
283.transform vt. 改变,使转化,使改观
A steam engine transforms heat into power.
284.hesitate vt. & vi. 不愿意做的,对```有顾虑;踌躇,迟疑(不决)
If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask.
285.tie vt. 系,拴;约束,使联系在一起;得分相同
I tied with my friend for second place in the exams.
286.promote vt. 提升;升级;筹划;推销;促进,推动
The young army officer was promoted to captain.
287.affair n. 事情,事件;事务,时局
The minister is busy with important affairs of state.
288.inquiry n. (~into) 询问,打听;调查
We made some inquiries into her movements.
289.diagram n. 图解,图表,一览图
The book uses simple diagrams to explain the rules of chess.
290.regardless ad. 不管怎样
They beautified the house regardless of cost.
291.vast a. (面积)巨大的,广阔的;大量的,巨额的
The vast plains cover hundreds of miles.
292.indifferent a. 不感兴趣的,不在乎的;不关心的;平庸的
His manner was cold and indifferent.
293.intimate a. 亲密的,亲昵的;谙熟的;秘密的
He is intimate with the president.
294.absorb vt. 吸收;使全神贯注;并吞
I was absorbed in a book and didn’t hear your call.
295.plunge vi. & vt. (使)向前倒下
These policies could plunge Europe into a new war.
296.purpose n. 意向,目的;作用,用途;决心,意志
Don’t waste your money; put it to some good purpose.
297.sample n. & vt. 样品,标本;试用产品;从```取样检查,体验
The nurse took a sample of my blood.
298.intelligence n. 智力,聪明;情报,情报机构(人员)
Use your intelligence!
299.transport vt. & n. 运输;交通(系统),运输工具;运输,运送
The transport of goods by air is very expensive.
300.sphere n. 球状体;(兴趣或活动的)范围,领域,界
The earth is not a perfect sphere.
301.medium n. & a. 传播媒介;介质,生活环境;中等的
Sound travels through the medium of air.
302.curiosity n. 好奇心,求知欲;奇事
There was intense curiosity about what had happened.
303.dim a. & vi. 暗淡的,昏暗的;隐约的;(视力)看不清楚的
He saw the dim shape of a large building in the mist.
304.partial a. 部分的;偏袒的;过分喜爱```的
He gained partial recovery from his wound.
305.consequently ad. 所以,因此
The witness is unbiased; consequently, he is reliable.
306.elaborate a. & vi. 详尽的,精心制作的, vi.详尽说明
The curtains had an elaborate pattern of flowers.
307.resuce vt. 减少,缩小,降低 (~to),把```简化为,使```陷入