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The outcome of their discussion is important to us.
157、reservation n.停留;预定(房间、飞机座位等);(动物)保护区
Have you made a hotel reservation?
158、occasion n.时刻,时节;时机;特殊场合
I only wear a tie on special occasions.
159、familiar a.熟悉的,常见的;亲呢的
St. Paul’s is a familiar sight to all Londoners.
160、sophisticated a.老练的;高雅的,时髦的;复杂的,精密的;尖端的
This is a sophisticated machine.
161、inevitable a.不可避免的;照例必有得,惯常的
He made his inevitable joke about the school food.
162、 debate vt.&vi.&n进行辩论;考虑,斟酌;辩论(会);讨论.
I debated the idea in my mind.
163、 Inspect vt.检查,检验;视察
Let’s go and inspect the damage.
164、 grasp vt.&n.抓牢,抓紧;理解,领会;紧握,掌握,理解力
He grasped the main points of the speech.
165、 participate vt. (-in)参加,参与
Everyone is expected to participate in these discussions.
166、 privilege n.特权,特惠待遇;荣幸
Education is a privilege, not a right, in many countries.
167、 removal n.移动,迁移
After our removal to London, they got married.
168、 variable a.&n.易变的,不稳定的;可调节的;易变的事,可变因素
The temperature inside the car is variable.
169、 valid a.正当的,有根据的;有效的;具有法律效力的
He got a train ticket valid for three months.
170、 venture n.&vi.&vt.风险项目,风险投资;冒险,以……为赌注
Now is not the time to venture on such a hard project.
171、 astonish vt.使吃惊,使惊讶
We read an astonish piece of news in today’s newspaper.
172、 stain vt.&vi.&n.沾染,(给木材、标本)着色;染污处,污迹
The cloth stains easily, so try not to touch it.
173、 burst vi.&vt.&n.(使)破裂,(使)爆炸;破裂,裂口;一阵,爆发
In spring the young flowers burst open.
174、 tidy a.&vt.整洁的;整理,收拾
When are you going to tidy your room up?
175、 dispose vt.布置,排列,安排
The murderer was unable to dispose of the body.
176、 commit vt.犯(错误),干(坏事等);使(自己)承担义务,承诺
The government has committed itself to health education.
177、 modest a.谦虚的,谨慎的;不大的,适度的
The young actress is very modest about her success.
178、 genuine a.真正的,非伪造的;真诚的,非伪装的
This is a genuine Ming vase.
179、 supreme a.至高的,至上的;最大的,极度的
She felt supreme happiness at the party.
180、 objective a.&n.客观存在的;客观的;(长远的)目标,目的
Try to be more objective about it.
181、 retain vt.保留,保持;留住,挡住
Lead retains heat well.
182、 flourish vi.茂盛,繁荣;兴旺发达
Jazz flourished in America in the early part of the century.
183、 assignment vt.(分配、指派的)任务、工作;分配,指派
His assignment was to follow the spy.
184、 interpret vt.把……理解为,解释;演绎,体现;口译
I interpreted his silence as a refusal.
185、 forbid vt.不许,禁止;阻止,妨碍
I forbid you to tell anyone.
186、 pierce vt.刺入,刺破;被突然看到、听到、感觉到
A sudden scream pierced the silence.
187、 exaggerate vi.&vt.夸张,言过其实
He has an exaggerated idea his own importance.
188、 favor .&vt.赞同,赞许;偏袒,偏爱;恩惠;支持,偏爱,有利于
A mother shouldn’t show favor to one of her children.
189、 impact n.&vt&vi.冲击力,作用;冲击,对……有影响
The computer has made a great impact on modern life.
190、 source n.来源,出处;原因;源泉;提供信息者
I heard from a reliable source that the company is doing badly.
191、 memorial n.纪念碑,纪念物
We went to see the war memorial.
192、 harsh a.刺耳的,刺目的;严厉的,无情的
He heard a harsh voice when knocking at the door.
193、 prior a.在前的,居先的;优先的
I was unable to attend the meeting because of a prior date.
194、 rescue vt.&n.拯救,戒酒,使免遭(损失);拯救,营救
He rescued the man from drowning.
195、 acknowledge vt.承认,供认;表示感激
The producer wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the police.
196、 sketch n.&vt.草图,素描;梗概;(给……)写生;在草拟
This pencil sketch is wonderful.
197、 swallow vi.&vt.&n.吞下,咽下;咽口水;忍受;抑制住;燕子
She was swallowed up by the crowd and we lost sight of her.
198、 deceive vt.欺,瞒,蒙蔽
They deceived her into signing the papers.
199、 substitute n.&vt.代替者,代用品;用……代替,替换
We substituted red balls for
200、 protest n.&vt.声言,申明;抗议,反对;抗议,反对
She protested her innocence.
201、 reaction n.反应,回应;反作用力,化学反应;恢复到以前的状态
What was your reaction to the new?
202、 gradual a.渐渐的,逐步的
This is a gradual slope.
203、 optimistic a.乐观的
The experts are optimistic that we will succeed.
204、 accurate a.准确的,精确的
Is the station clock accurate?
205、 impressive a.令人钦佩的,给人良好印象的;令人难忘的
He gave us an impressive speech.
206、expose vt.(使)暴露;揭露(某人或罪行);使曝光
I threatened to expose him to the police.
207、imply vt.暗示,意味着,含有……的意思