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The new evidence put an entirely different perspective on the case.
54、 series n.一系列;连续;丛书
This is the latest in a series of proposals on arms limitation.
55、ribbon n.缎带;丝带
She wore red ribbons in her hair.
56、purchase vt.&n.购买;购物;购得物
The purchasing power of the dollar has declined.
57、vigorous a.将有力的;有活力的
The minister made a vigorous defense of the government policies.
58、specific a.明确的;具体的
She gave us very specific instructions.
59、stable n.&a.马厮;畜舍;稳固的;安定的
The ladder isn’t very stable.
60、responsible a.负有责任的;可靠的;需对(事、人)负责的
Who’s responsible for this terrible mess?
61、original a.&n.最初的;独特新颖的;原件;原物;原著
The original owner of the house was a Frenchman.
62、instant a.&n.即刻发生的;即时的;(一般用单数)片刻;刹那
I took an instant dislike to him.
63. highlight vt.&n.使显著;使注意力集中于;最精彩的部分(场面)
He gave us several facts that highlight the need for change.
64. amuse vt.使开心;使发笑;给……提供娱乐
His silly jokes amused the children.
65. classify vt.把……分级(分类);把……分为
The scientists classify the animals into several types.
66. insert vt.插入;放入
He inserted a key in the lock of the front door.
67. manufacture vt.&n.(尤指用机器大量)制造;制造
This firm manufactures cars.
68. pitch vt.&n.扎(营);为……定音高;投,扔;球场;音调;程度
This song is pitched too high for my voice.
69. journal n.(专业团体办的)定期刊物,杂质;日记,日志
The British Medical Journal
70. comment n.&vt.评论;评注;vi.(-on)评论发表意见
He made several unfavorable comments about his boss.
71. neglect vt.&n.忽略,忽视;忽略,疏忽;被忽略的状况
The garden has fallen into a state of neglect.
72. request n.&vt.要求;请求;需要
They have made an urgent request for international aid.
73. ratio n.笔;比例;比率
The ratio of nurses to doctors in2:1.
74. hostile a.怀有敌意的;敌方的
The prime minister was given a hostile reception.
75. peculiar a.奇怪的,异常的;特有的
This meat tastes peculiar. I hope it’s all right.
76、 convert vt.&vi .&n.(使)转变,转换;改变信仰;改变信仰者
This sofa converts into a bed.
77、adopt vi.&vt.收养;采纳,采用;采取
U.S.A adopts a tough attitude to the terrorists.
78、resist vi.&vt.抵抗,对抗;不受……的损害;忍住
He was charged with resisting arrest.
79、deny vt.否认,否定;拒绝给予,不准
He was denied the chance of going to university.
80、incline vt.&n.影响;(使)倾向于;有……趋势;曲(身);斜坡,斜面
Her arguments incline me towards a different view of the matter.
81、maintain vt.维持;维修;保养;坚持主张;赡养;维持……的存在
The railway lines have to be constantly maintained.
82、display vt.&n.陈列,展出;流露;显示;展览;表现;陈列品
The goods were on display in the shop window.
83、inhabitant n.居民;栖居的动物
This big city has 6 million inhabitants.
84、suburb n.郊区,近郊;城郊
Blackheath is a suburb of London.
85、awkward a.笨拙的;不便操作的;尴尬的,棘手的;不协作的
They’ve bee n asking some very awkward questions.
86、marvelous a.奇妙的,很好的
What marvelous weather.
87、outstanding a.接触的,优秀的;未解决的
He is an outstanding young musician.
88、conservative a.守旧的,不赶时髦的,谨慎的。
At a conservative estimate, the holiday will cost $300.
89、 postpone vt.使延期,推迟
We postpone making a decision.
90、 revise vt.改变,修正,审(稿),修订,校订
He revised the manuscript of his book.
91、 investigate vt.&vi .调查,控究,查明
The doctors decided to investigate the cause of cancer.
92、 device n.装置,设备;诡计,策略;写作手法
This device is for changing the speed.
93、 sting vt.&vi.&n.刺,蛰(使)感剧痛;刺,蛰刺,刺痛
Dose a bee die when it loses its sting?
94、hollow a.中空的,凹陷的;(声音)空洞的;虚有其表的
He won a hollow victory.
95、flat n.&a.平坦的,瘪的;扁平的;干脆的,直截了当的
My request was met with a flat refusal.
96、precious a.宝贵的,珍爱的
He poured a few drops of the precious liquid into the glass.
97、miserable a.痛苦,凄惨的
Poor people live in miserable conditions.
98、tedious a.冗长的,枯燥乏味的
He fell asleep when listening to the tedious lecture.
99、 resemble vt.像,类似,相似
She resemble her sister in appearance but not character.
100、 track n.&vt &vi .足迹,轨迹;小径;跑道;追踪,跟踪
They tracked the thief to his house.
She underlined her disagreement by walking out.
101、 observe vt.看到,注意到;观察,观测;遵守,奉行(法律、习俗等)
Do you observe Christmas?
102、 entitle vt.(常用动态)使……有权(做某事);给予……的资格
I think I’m entitled to know this matter.
103、bounce vt.&n.(使)弹回,反弹;跳起,反弹;弹性
He bounced a ball against a wall.
104、exception n.除外,例外
You must answer all the questions without exception.