来源:中国护士网 作者:www.512test.com
Conditions & Diagnoses 状况及诊断
Achondroplasia 软骨发育不全症
Acute infantile eczema 急性婴儿湿疹
Ambiguous genitalia 性器官不明确
Anoxic spell 缺氧兆
Apnoea 呼吸暂停
Asphyxia neonatorum 初生儿窒息
Atresia, biliary 胆管闭锁
Atresia, oesophageal 食道闭锁
Attachment 亲情连结 / 亲密感
Battered child syndrome 虐儿综合征
Birth injury (trauma) 产伤
Caput succedaneum 儿头水肿
Cerebral palsy 大脑麻痹
Chicken pox/ varicella 水痘
Child abuse 虐儿
Cleft lip 唇裂
Cleft palate 颚裂
Coeliac crisis 粥状泻危机
Congenital cardiovascular anomaly 先天性心血管畸形
Croup 膜性喉炎 / 嘶哮 / 格鲁布
Cystic fibrosis 囊性纤维变性
Diaper rash 尿布疹
Down's syndrome 唐氏综合征
Embryo 胚胎
Embryology 胚胎学
Encopresis 大便失禁
Enterobius vermicularis 蛲虫
Enuresis 遗尿
Epispadias 尿道上裂
Erythroblastosis foetalis 胎性母红血球病
Failure to thrive 生长不旺
Favism 豆中毒
Febrile convulsion 发热性痉挛 (抽搐)
Foetal alcohol syndrome 胎儿酒精综合征
Foreign body aspiration 吸入异物
Galactosaemia 单乳糖血症
Gene, dominant 显性基因
Gene, recessive 隐性基因
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 六磷酸葡萄糖去氢酵素缺乏症
Gluten-induced enteropathy 谷胶诱发肠病变
Haemolytic disease of newborn 初生儿溶血病
Hereditary spherocytosis 遗传性球形红细胞病
Hermaphrodite 阴阳人
Hernia, diaphragmatic 横膈膜疝 / 膈疝
Hernia, direct inguinal 直接性腹股沟疝
Hernia, hiatus 食道裂孔疝
Hernia, indirect inguinal 间接性腹股沟疝
Hernia, umbilical 脐疝
Hirschsprung's disease 巨结肠症
Hydrops foetalis 水胎
Hyperbilirubinaemia 高血胆红素
Hyperkinetic syndrome 运动过强综合征
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 肥厚性幽门狭窄
Hypospadias 尿道下裂
Imperforated anus 肛门闭锁 / 闭肛
Inborn error of metabolism 先天性新陈代谢紊乱
Infant 婴儿
Infant, postmature (post-term) 过熟婴
Infant, premature 早产(不足月)婴
Intussusception 肠套迭
Jaundice, neonatal 初生婴儿黄疸
Jaundice, physiological 生理性黄疸
Juvenile diabetes 幼年型糖尿病
Karyotype 核型
Kernicterus 核脑性黄疸 / 核黄疸
Klinefelter's syndrome 男性不全综合症
Koplick’s spots 科泼力克氏斑点
Lanugo 胎毛
Low birth weight infant 低出生体重儿 / 轻磅婴
Macrosomia 巨婴
Malabsorption syndrome 吸收不良综合征
Measles 麻疹
Meckel's diverticulum 梅克耳氏憩室 / 回肠憩室
Meconium 胎粪
Meconium ileus 胎粪性肠阻塞
Meningocoele 脑脊膜膨(突)出
Meningomyelocoele 脊髓脊膜膨(突)出
Mental retardation 智力迟缓 / 弱智
Milia 粟粒疹
Molding 儿头变形
Mongolian spot 胎斑
Mortality rate, infant 婴儿死亡率
Mortality rate, neonatal 初生婴儿死亡率
Mortality rate, perinatal 围产期婴儿死亡率
Mumps 腮腺炎
Muscular dystrophy 肌肉增长不良
Necrotizing enterocolitis 坏死性小肠结肠炎
Neonatal cephalohaematoma 儿头血肿
Neonatal hyaline membrane disease 新生儿肺透明膜病
Neonate / new-born 新(初)生儿
Newborn, high risk 高危险性新生儿
Obesity 肥胖症
Ophthalmia neonatorum 初生儿眼炎
Osteogenesis imperfecta 成骨不全
Parasitic infestation 寄生虫感染
Pertussis/ whooping cough 百日咳
Phenylketonuria 苯酮酸尿症
Poliomyelitis 小儿麻痹症 / 脊髓灰质炎
Post-maturity 过度成熟
Prematurity 早产
Pseudomenstruation 假月经
Puberty 青春期 / 发育期
Reflex, grasp 抓握反射
Reflex, moro 拥抱反射
Reflex, plantar 足底(跖)反射
Reflex, rooting 寻乳反射
Reflex, startle 惊吓反射
Reflex, stepping 跨步反射
Reflex, sucking 吸吮反射
Reflex, tonic neck 颈强直反射
Regurgitation 反吐(流)
Respiratory distress syndrome 呼吸窘迫综合征
Retrolental fibroplasia 晶状体后纤维性增殖
Rhesus incompatibility Rh(恒河猴)因子不相配
Scarlet fever 猩红热
Sex-linked heredity 性相连遗传
Small for gestational age 比妊娠期细小
Smegma 包皮垢
Spina bifida 脊柱裂
Strawberry mark 草莓(莓状)痣
Sudden infant death syndrome 婴儿猝死综合征
Surfactant 表面张力素
Syndactyly 并指(趾)畸形
Thyroglossal cyst 甲状腺舌囊
Toddler 幼儿
Tongue-tie 结舌
Tracheo-oesophageal fistula 气管食道廔
Undescended testes / cryptorchidism 隐睪症 / 睪丸未降
Vascular naevus 血管痣
Vernix caseosa 胎脂(垢)
Weaning period 断乳(戒奶)期
Worm, hook 钩虫
Worm, round 蛔虫
Investigations, Treatment & Operations 检查, 疗法及手术
Apgar score 阿帕嘉评分法
Blood exchange transfusion 换血
Booster dose 加强剂
Circumcision 包皮环割(切)术
Continuous positive airway pressure 呼吸道持续性正压
Day care centre 日间托儿中心
Feeding, demand 需求喂食
Feeding, supplementary 补充喂食
Genetic counselling 遗传辅导
Growth chart 生长曲线表
Incubator 婴儿保温箱 / 孵箱
Lecithin 卵磷脂
Logan's bar 罗根棒
Phototherapy 光线疗法 / 光疗
Play therapy 游戏治疗
Pyloromyotomy 幽门切开术
Rooming-in 母婴同室