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终于过了6.5了,L7.0 R6.0 W6 S6 OVERALL6.5,拿成绩时真有点范进中举的感觉,哈哈,这么久以来的辛苦总算没白费,算是对得起列祖列宗了(有点夸张拉,呵呵:p
      I finally scored 6.5-----what a significant achievement !!! I can now say proudly that I add honour to my family!!! Down with all the failures, now I am going to the UK!!!

      It’s really a great sorrow to see so many of my fellows, as we are all nurses, being upset about their English. I am intended to post some article successively from now on so as to provide you with some tips on English-learning. Just to share my experience and hope they can be of some help on your way of learning .
      Comrades, let’s unit and toil for working abroad!!!