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SAP HR Relevant Transaction Codes

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If you wish to see all or some of the transaction codes in the system, use the data browser (SE16), or the more advancedSE16N for table TSTC. There are approximately 20 000+ SAP standard transaction codes, so remember to increase your maximum number of hits. You can then use the "find" option to search for any key words.

Alternatively use transaction code SE93 which takes you to the transaction maintenance screen. From there you can search and find the relevant transaction code.

This table contains transaction codes which are commonly used by SAP HR folks

Transaction CodeDescription
/n...Ends the current session - can proceed to the stipulated transaction code
/nPA30Ends the current session and starts transaction code PA30 in its place
/o...Creates a new session and takes you straight to the new transaction code
/oPA30Opens a new session as PA30
/nS000Ends the current session - takes you to the main menu
/i...Deletes the current session
/nendLogs you off SAP
/nexLogs you off SAP without confirmation message
AL11Allows you to look at the directories on the SAP server. Double click on any directory to take you to the sub-directory or to a list of the individual files located therein
CMODCan undertake modifications to the names of screen fields
FB03Display documents and document types
FI01Create bank sort code data
FK03Display vendors
FS00Edit G/L Accounts
HR00HR Report Selection
KS01Create cost centres individually
KS03Display individual cost centres
KS07Fast entry screen for creating cost centres
LSMWLegacy System Migration Workbench. Very useful for large data loads. Easy to set up and get going on. More powerful than CATT procedures.
OKENDisplay the standard FI cost centre hierarchy
OOFOForm Painter: Request - allows you to copy, change and display the SAP Script forms - inTraining and Events
OOPSAllows you to set various defaults for PA and OM
OOSBRelationships between user and authorisation profiles
OOSPAuthorisation profiles
OSS1Takes you to OSS in SAP - not used anymore as OSS is done via your browser on the SAP Service Marketplace (www.service.sap.com)
OY19Checks across SAP clients and systems - allows you to check and compare tables etc. Very useful tool but can be quite onerous on your system. Be careful about what areas you choose to compare - you could get a visit from the whole Basis team!
PA03Transaction for changing the control record for a payroll area
PA10Display personnel file
PA20Display master data
PA30Maintain master data
PA40Actions screen
PA51Display time Data
PA61Maintain time data
PA62List entry of additional data
PA71Fast entry of time data
PAR1Flexible employee data. Takes you straight into this report which is highly flexible, easy to use and provides useful output.
PAR2Takes you into the report which outputs the employee list. Another very useful report.
PAT1Personnel Administration infosystem
PC_PAYRESULTAllows you to view payroll results for an employee
PC08GB Payroll User Menu (replace 08 with your own country modifier)
PDSYHR document maintenance
PE01Payroll schema editor
PE02Payroll PCR (personnel calculation rules) editor
PE03Features editor
PE04Functions(schemas) and Operations(rules)
PE51Form editor for remuneration statementsP45's etc.
PE51_checktabKey payslip changes - overview of key payroll form settings
PEPMProfile Matchup in PD
PESTProfile Matchups in PD
PFCGConfiguration of activity groups, profiles and menus. You can attach them here to test them against a test user, or you can use SU01.
PPOM_OLDSimple maintenance for OM (especially if you don't like using PPOME)
PPOMEThe new OM graphical maintenance of the organisation structure
PQAHAd Hoc Query - report name is RHADHOC0. This is the old transaction code. There are other transaction codes which are now better to use as they provide you with more flexibility and functionality.
PR05Travel Expense Manager
PRFICreate Posting Run
PRRWPosting Run Management
PT69Multiple persons or infotypes time data
PT40Time management pool
PT50Quota overview
PT60Time Evaluation (RPTIME00)
PT61Time Statement
PT66Time Evaluation Results (RPCLSTRB2)
PU00Allows you to delete individual employees
PU01Deletes individual payroll results
PU03Change payroll status
PU90Allows you to delete individual applicants
PU95Edit Wage Type Groups & Logical Views
PU97Logical Views
PU98Assignment of wage types to wage type groups
RZ10System Profile Maintenance
SA38Allows you to run a report - similar to SE38 but geared towards running the report rather than editing the actual code and attributes etc.
SAINTAdd-ons and Plug-ins Installation tool
SB09SAP Reference Structure - Process Flow Diagrams
SCC1Allows you to carry out a "pull" transport from any client on the instance to the client that you are in. Very useful transaction as it allows you to move unreleased transports.
SCC3Allows you to view the logs of client copies
SCC4Allows you to carry out maintenance on any client - e.g. changing the transport status, client dependency, CATT status etc. You can also view all the available clients on an instance.
SCMPView table comparison. Very useful in checking tables between different instances. Need to have RFC connections set up for this piece of functionality.
SCU0Cross System Comparison - allows you to compare config in different clients/servers.
SE01Transport Organiser - initial screen. Allows you to view details of an individual transport. Can access the Transport Tool from this screen.
SE03Transport Organiser - Tools
SE09Transport maintenance screen - for Workbench (ABAP programs)
SE10Transport maintenance screen - for Customising (configuration)
SE11Dictionary: Initial screen. Good for getting the values from a table - like SE16
SE16Data browser: lists all the different tables
SE16NGeneral Table display. Improved version of SE16
SE36Logical Database Builder
SE37Function Builder
SE38ABAP/4 editor * programs
SE39Allows you to compare different programs in 2 separate windows. The programs can be different programs in the same client or the same program in different instances.
SE43Area Menus: Create, modify, display etc
SE71SAPscript editor - create, modify and display SAP Script forms
SE78SAPscript graphics management- allows you to view all the graphics available for SAPscript commands
SE80Object browser: initial screen - get details on any program eg.RPCALCW0
SE93Transactions: Create, modify, display etc
SEARCH_SAP_MENUFind a transaction code or word from a menu path in the standard SAP menu
SEARCH_USER_MENUFind a transaction code or specific word in a user menu
SECRAudit information system
SERPAllows you to change a report tree
SHD0Transaction variants, allows you to search for different transaction codes. Can use wildcards in the transaction or name of the transaction
SHDBBatch Input: Recording
SLG1Allows you to see which payroll results have been deleted for which employees
SM01Lock/Unlock Transactions - double click the relevant transaction to lock/unlock transaction
SM02System messages
SM04User overview/monitoring
SM12Locked entries: display and delete locked entries
SM19Configure audit log
SM20Review the audit log
SM31Table maintenance
SM35Batch Input: Initial screen
SM36Scheduling background jobs
SM37Viewing status of background jobs. If you need to know who has run a particular report, key in the report name as the job name and place an * in the field user name. You can also see which variants users used for a particular report. Click on job and the job log.
SM51List all servers
SM59Maintaining RFC Destinations
SMODUser exits
SMXStatus of your own current background jobs: shows latest 5 & overview
SO01SAP Office - Inbox
SO10Standard Letters - create, modify etc. Use HR_G for notification messages
SO99Find release notes
SOSTSAP Connect: Send requests for a period
SP01Output Controller
SPADAllows you to change the printer settings including font maintenance and many other attributes relating to printers
SPAMSupport Package Manager
SPAUHRSP application tool
SPROTakes you to the IMG
SP11TEMSE file administration
SQ01ABAP Query: Maintain queries
SQ02Functional Area - Maintenance
SQ03User Group - Maintenance
ST03Performance Monitoring - allows you to view server response times, user traces etc
ST22Dump Analysis - lets you view Screen Dumps on any day for any user: using selection criteria
STMSTransaction used for carrying out the transports
SU2Maintain User Parameter - allows you to update your own parameters in the same session.
SU3Maintain Users Own Parameters - allows you to maintain your own settings in same session.
SU01User maintenance
SU53Run it directly after you have been blocked by authorization checks
SUIMSecurity and authorisation information system - very useful area to run reports for security roles and profiles for users on SAP.
SXDAData transfer workbench. Hit enter and you get taken to the screen which is the same as report - RPUSTD00