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SAP HR Time Management Data

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The Time Management module in SAP has been developed with flexibility and efficiency in mind at all times. Below are several tables that identify different elements of the Time Management module that hold and manage the configuration and data.

TM00Time Evaluation with personnel time events
TM01Time Evaluation for work schedule deviations
TM04Time Evaluation without clock times
TQTAGenerate absence quotas


ClusterTime Tables
ABWKONTIAbsence Quotas
ANWKONTIAttendance Quotas
DZLDaily time wage types
QTACCQuota Accruals
QTBASEQuota Base Entitlement
QTTRANSQuota Transfer Pool
SALDOPeriod Balance
TIPTime Input
TOPTime Output
ZESDay Balance
ZKOTime Quotas
ZLTime Wage Types


A2003Process Work Center Substitutions
CUMBTCumulation of Interim Results
DAYMOSelection Time Wage Types for Day Grouping
DEFTPDetermine planned working time pairs
DPTOLDaily work schedule tolerances
LIMITValue limits for Time Balances
MODSet groupings
P2000Import daily work schedule
P2001Import absences to table TIP
P2002Import attendances to table TIP
P2005Import overtime data to table TIP
PBKRSProcess break specifications
PZLProcess ZL table
QUOTAGenerate absence quotas
TIMTPAssign time types to time pairs
TYPESAssign processing type and time type


ADDDBcumulate in day balance table
COLERTransfer to error table
DYNDPDynamic daily work schedule assignment
GCYBranch to different PCR
HRSEditing number of hours field
MODIFSet groupings
NEXTRProcess the next line
OUTTPProviding Time Pair Data
OUTWPProviding Work Center Data
OUTZLProvide info from time wage types
PAYTPSetting Employee Sub-group grouping for PCRs
PCYBranching to a personnel calculation sub-rule
ROUNDRound off times or number of hours
UPDTQAbsence Quota Accrual
VARSTProviding data to general fields
VWTCLPreparing processing class of a wage type