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SAP HR Time Schemas & PCR’s

来源:中国护士网  作者:www.512test.com

Transaction Code: PE01

Menu Path:

Human Resources  Payroll  Europe  Great Britain  Tools  Maintenance Tools  Schemas

Double-clicking on a sub-schema will take you to the maintenance screen for that schema.

Double-clicking on any of the rules (PCR's) will take you to the rule editor. You can tell the difference between sub-schemas and rules by looking at the parameters. The name of the sub-schema can be found in the Par 1 column. The main schema generally calls all the different sub-schemas. The sub-schemas will then call the payroll rules. In most cases, when a rule is called, there will be parameters in the Par 2 or Par 3 columns.

In the main, most sub-schemas are called by the "copy" command.

Schemas, rules and features in SAP use the following line editor commands. This allows you to move, delete, copy and insert lines. All the commands are entered in the area used for the line numbers. Overwrite any of the numbers with the commands shown below. For the commands using 1 letter - hit the return key once you have entered the letter. For the commands using 2 letters - hit the return key after the first 2 letters have been entered or after both sets have been entered.

The most commonly used commands are:

Line CommandDescription
DDeletes a line
IInserts a line
MMoves a line
CCopies a line
DDIndicates the start of a block to be deleted
DDIndicates the end of a block to be deleted
CCIndicates the start of a block to be copied
CCIndicates the end of a block to be copied
MMIndicates the start of a block to be moved
MMIndicates the end of a block to be moved

Once you have chosen the block to move or copy, you need to show where to move or copy it to in the schema. The following commands indicate where you can copy or move the lines to.

Line CommandDescription
APlaces the block after the chosen line
BPlaces the block before the chosen line

In addition, a '*' in the D column indicates that the corresponding function or rule has been commented out and will not be processed. Lines with this indicator are also not displayed in the exploded schema via RPDASC00. It is good practice when replacing a SAP standard PCR or function with a custom one, to comment out the SAP standard one rather than deleting it completely.

Remember when calling a PCR within the schema: setting PAR 2 to GEN means that the rule is called for all time types. If you want the rule to be called for specific time types, then leave this parameter blank. For PAR 3, a setting of blank indicates that the rule is called for all Ee Subgroup groupings for time evaluation, and to specify that the rule is to be called only for the Grouping for the Time Evaluation Rule set in IT0050 the setting should be ABRT.

Use the PRINT function and a specific table name in PAR 2 anywhere in the schema to output the contents of that table during processing.

Position is very important for schemas. Look to see where a similar piece of processing has taken place. If in doubt, place the rule after the similar data has been read and processed.

Commonly used Functions

RTIPReads the time data table TIP, but does not process it
PTIPProcesses the time data table TIP
GOTCompare time pairs in TIP with OT approvals from the current day (IT2007)
GWTGenerates time wage types from time pairs in table TIP
SORTSorts the values in a specified internal table
P2001Imports the absences for the day being processed
P2006Calls a PCR in which information from the Absence Quotas table ABWKONTI can be accessed
COPYCalls a subschema placed in PAR1.
BLOCKDefines the start and end of a nested node
IF/ELSE/ENDIFThe schema is processed if the condition is fulfilled
ACTIOActio calls a PCR. It is processed, irrespective of whether time pairs exist .

Commonly used Parameters

Parameter 2Description
GENCall rule for all time types
blankCall rule for specific time types
DESWhen used with function SORT, sorts the values of the table in descending order
nnAny number entered specifies of a particular grouping or type related to the function being processed

Time PCR's

Transaction Code: PE02

Menu Path:

Human Resources  Payroll  Europe  Great Britain  Tools  Maintenance Tools  Rules

Commonly used operations in time configuration

ADDDBAdds the value of current number of hours field (HRS) to the specified time type
ADDDB0600TAdds the value of HRS to time type 0600. The control indicator 'T' moves the planned working hours from the employee's work schedule into HRS
ADDDB0600ZOverwrites the value in time type 0600 with that currently held in HRS
ADDMB*Cumulates the value in the HRS field of the current time type into the period balances table (SALDO)
ADDOTAdds the wage types to the table of over time wage types (ZML)
ADDVS DAY1Adds the value of HRS to the variable DAY1
ADDZLAdds the value of the current HRS field to the ZL table
BITQUCreates an entry in the in Attendance Quotas infotype (2007)
BITQU01Creates an entry for quota 01 in the in Attendance Quotas infotype (2007), with start and end dates as the start and end of the current week
BITQU01PPCreates an entry for quota 01 in the in Attendance Quotas infotype (2007), with start and end dates as the start and end of the current payroll period
COLER01EError message 01 according to table T555E is passed to internal table FEHLER and time processing is terminated
COLER01FError message 01 is passed to table FEHLER and time processing continues. The current day is processed again when time evaluation is next run
COLOPTransfers data from the input table TIP to output table TOP, to make the time pair available for further processing
COLOP*Keeps the current time type when data is transferred to the TOP
COLOPATIM1Stores the data in the current time type in an alternative time type TIM1 in table TOP
COLPABReplaces the Start time of the original time pair with that of the current active time pair
COLPAEReplaces the End time of the original time pair with that of the current active time pair
COMOTReplaces overlapping time pairs with new time pairs to create one continuous record with no overlaps
DAYPG0712Replaces the employee's work schedule with DWS 0712 from table T550A
DAYPGOFFIf DWS OFF does not exist, the first valid DWS with 0 planned hours and DWS class 0 is used
DYNDPAssigns a new DWS dynamically to an employee. The system determines from a set of configured DWS's the one where the employee's first clock-in time occurs within a specified timeframe.
FILLPBEnters the start time of a time pair from the HRS field
FILLPB-Deletes the start time of a time pair
FILLWEnters additional information, such as start and end times, or infotype number, to a wagetype
GCY TE21Branch to another Personnel Calculation Rule TE21
GCYGTE21Personnel Calculation Rule TE21 is accessed for all time types and the same employee subgroup grouping is kept and processed
GENOTFlags a time pair, or part thereof, as OT until the OT quota, as defined in T556P is used up
GENOWBSplits the current wagetype according to the HRS field, from the start time, and enters a portion into the OT wagetypes table ZML
GENTGCreates a new time pair entry in the TIP table using the time type being processed
GENTG0600Creates a new time pair entry in the TIP table using variable 0600
GENTPESplits the current TIP entry according to the HRS value, from the End of the time pair, and enters this into the TOP table
GENTWBSeparates part of the wagetype being processed, according to the HRS value, from the beginning of the wagetype, and enters it into the time wage types table ZL
HRS=BCURDYEnters the current day in the HRS field
HRS-SWTESubtracts the latest time started at work from the value in the HRS field
HRS?CTETOLCompares the value in the current HRS field to the value of TETOL in the constantstable T511K
INSLRInsert locked records in table TIP
INSTPA1010Inserts an absence time pair between two recorded time pairs in the TIP with a begin and end tolerance of 10 minutes form the adjoining time pairs
LEAVEExist the current PCR being processed. Processing continues form the next line in the schema
MESSGOutputs a message with the current processed personnel number
MODIF A=01Set employee grouping for absence valuation to 01
MODIF Q=05Set quota type selection rule group to 05
MODIF W=02Set the time wagetype selection group (T510S) to 02
OUTALTRFGREnters pay scale group data from the alternate payment table ALP
OUTAQTYPAssigns the current quota type from the ABWKONTI table
OUTOTWGTYPGives the wagetype of the overtime being processed
OUTPQEnters data from the attendance quota into the variable key
OUTTIABARTEnters the employee subgroup grouping for PCR from IT0050
OUTTPABTYPEnters the absence type of the current time pair into the variable key
OUTTPPRTYPEnters the attendance type of the current time pair into the variable key
OUTWPAllocates data from various fields to the variable key
OUTWPCOMPYEnters the code from IT0001
OUTWPCOSTCEnters the cost center from IT0001
OUTWPSHIFTEnters the work schedule rule from IT0007
OUTWPTRFAREnters the pay scale type from IT0008
OUTWPMASSNEnters the action type from IT0000
OUTZLSelects data from the ZL table and assigns it to the variable key
PAYTP ASets the Employee subgroup grouping for PCR according to table T503
PAYTP 1Sets the Employee subgroup grouping for PCR according to 1
PCY TE20Branches to a personnel calculation rule TE20 and returns to the current PCR when processing of TE20 is complete
PPINCProcesses the attendance or absence reason based on the return code from PPINC
R555DReads the attendance or absence reason and assigns a return value to the variable key
RETCDReturns a resulting query code
ROUNDRounds the value of time pair or HRS Field
ROUNDC>10Start time of time pair is rounded up to the nearest 10 minutes
ROUNDG 99End time of time pair is rounded up to the next interval as set in rounding rule 99 in T559L
SCOND=TUsed in conjunction with IF...ELSE...ENDIF, sets the condition to True
SORTPSorts the time pairs in the TIP table
SORTP1Sorts the time pairs in the TIP table with processing type 1
SUBST **checks whether an employee has any substitutions
SUBST 01checks whether an employee has any substitutions of type 01
SUM 0600Cumulation of time type 0600 over a standard week (Mon-Fri)
SUMWW0209Cumulation of time type 0209 over the current working week of the employee being processed -according to IT0007
SUMPP3001Cumulation of time type 3001 over the current payroll period
SUMTP1008Cumulation of time type 1008 over the current time evaluation period
TABLE 001PProvides access to data stored in the personnel areas/subareas table
TABLE 508AProvides access to data stored in the work schedule rule table
TEXITExits schema processing. Recalculation and final processing options are set depending on the subsequent parameters
TFLAGChanges status indicators controlling how the day is processed
TFLAGA 0Changes the day to a non-absence day
TFLAGA 1Changes the day to a full absence day
TIPOSChecks where the current time pair is in relation to any preceding or subsequent time pairs in the TIP. A return code is given
TKUZRCheck if the day being processed is within a reduced working hours period. The value entered into the variable key is Y or N
TSORTTIPSorts the TIP table in ascending order
TSORTTIP-Sorts the TIP table in descending order
TSORTOWTSorts the OT wagetypes table
TSORTOWTTSorts the OT wagetypes table according to start/end time
UPDLE01Automatically updates an employee's entitlement on leave type 01 (IT0005)
UPDTQ01Automatically update's an employee's entitlement on absence quota 01 (IT2006)
VARABTYPProvides the current absence category
VARABVCLProvides the current absence valuation rule
VARABDAYProvides information on whether the current absence is a full-day absence or not
VARPRTYPEnters the current attendance type into the variable key
VARPRVCLEnters the current attendance type valuation rule into the variable key
VARSTQueries various fields or provides information for the field interrogated
VARSTDAYTYProvides the current day type from table T553A
VARSTFREEDetermines if the current day has 0 planned working hours. Return code is Y or N
VARSTSUBSTProvides the current substitution type
VWTCL 20Enters the value of processing class 20 for a wage type. Used in conjunction with function PZL or POVT