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[SAP - HCM] HR306 Time Management Summary

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Most Important!!

Public Holidays                                  Daily Work Schedule
      |                                                           |       |               |
Public Holidays Calendar       Break schedule  variants   variant rule
      |                                             |
      |                             Period work schedules
      |                                 Day Types
      |                                     |
      |                                     |
             Work Schedule Rules
                    Work Schedule
              Planned Working Time Infotype0007


1. Public Holiday Class

   每一个public holiday都有一个class属性,如下:
   class值      含义
   blank       not holiday
     1         Full day holiday
     2         Half day holiday
     3         ...
     .         ...
     .         ...
     9         ...


2. Daily Work Schedule

(1) Break Schedule
    例: 午休 1100~1200 为 BreakSchedule B1
         午休 1200~1300 为 BreakSchedule B2
(2) Variant是对某个具体的Daily Work Schedule的细小调整
    例: 公共长假前一天提前一个小时下班,这个小调整的variant为A
(3) Variant Rules
    对于DWS来说,之前定义了 休息计划,小调整变量,显然还需要定义哪一天需要小调整。
    Variant Rules就是用来定义哪一天使用Variant A的。

Rule  HolidayClass HolCINextDay  Day        Variant
01    ..X.......    XXXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXX      A
第一列  rule的名字
第二列  Current day(是holiday) 的 Holiday class 为blank时,为‘.’,表示这一天 不用variant A
        Current day(是holiday) 的 Holiday class 为1时,为‘.’,表示这一天 不用variant A
        Current day(是holiday) 的 Holiday class 为2时,为‘X’,表示这一天 用variant A
第三列  Current day的后一天(后一天是holiday) 的 Holiday class 为blank时,为‘X’,表示这一天 用variant A
 Current day的后一天(后一天是holiday) 的 Holiday class 为1时,为‘X’,表示这一天 用variant A
 Current day的后一天(后一天是holiday) 的 Holiday class 为2时,为‘X’,表示这一天 用variant A
第四列  current day 是 周一,第一位是'X',表示这一天用variant A
 current day 是 周二,第二位是'X',表示这一天用variant A
 current day 是 周三,第三位是'X',表示这一天用variant A


3. Period Work Schedules

A period work schedule is made up of a sequence of daily work schedules over a defined period.
Period work schedules can extend over one week, several weeks, or a period that is not divisible by seven.

Employees on a certain shift work the first week from Monday through Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 4.45 p.m. (daily work schedule DAY1 for the

first week of the period work schedule from 01 to 05 (Monday through Friday), daily work schedule OFF for 06 and 07 (Saturday and Sunday)). In

the second week, they work from Monday to Friday from 2 p.m. to 9.45 p.m. (daily work schedule LATE 01 to 05, and daily work schedule OFF from

06 to 07 in the second week of the period work schedule).
Period work schedule for 3-shift operation:
Week no. 001 Week no. 002 Week no. 003
01 Early 8  Late  15 Night
02 Early 9  Late  16 Night
03 Early 10 Late  17 Night
04 Early 11 Late  18 Night
05 Early 12 Late  19 Night
06 Off   13 Off   20 Off
07 Off   14 Off   21 Off
(DWS - Daily Work Schedule)
(PWS - Period work schedule)
Period work schedule pattern的概念是:peroid work schedule在时间轴上 可能是 有规律的不断重复出现,所以重复出现的PWS可以认为是一个pattern.

4. Day Types

The day type determines the following for each day of the work schedule, regardless of the daily work schedule
a. the payment relevance for a day
b. the relevancy of the day for calculating attendances.

Day type BLANK  Work/paid
Day type 1 Off/paid
Day type 2 Off/unpaid
Day type 3 Off/special day

如何理解day type 的 selection rule

Rule    D.ty.wkdy    D.typ.Sat    D.typ.Sun
01      1 11111111   1 11111111   1 11111111
第一列  rule的名字
第二列  当周中某一天的holiday class是blank,那么这一天这个员工的day type就是1(也可能是2,3,blank)
        当周中某一天的holiday class是1,那么这一天这个员工的day type就是' ',即blank
第三列  当周六的holiday class是blank,那么这一天这个员工的day type就是1
第四列  当周日的holiday class是blank,那么这一天这个员工的day type就是1

5. Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules


A work schedule rule is a precise description of the work schedule that specifies the working times of a group of employees.
A work schedule rule is assigned a period work schedule, which in turn is made up of daily work schedules. Rotating shifts are set up by

assigning a period work schedule to several work schedule rules.
Work schedules are not stored all at once, but stored for each month. The work schedule is created regardless of the length of the period work

schedule and is not person-specific.

You can store various rules(selection rules for day types) relating to work on public holidays in the work schedule rule.

The work schedule is generated by applying the period work schedule to a horizontal axis, the public holiday calendar, and repeated until the

selected peroid is covered.

Work schedule  MUST be generated. You can do this either manually or in batch. Work schedules can be generated only if all required groupings

are made and the work schedule rule is defined beforehand,