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来源:  作者:admin

Please write your answer in answer sheet
Notice: These Exam Questions may have multi answers!
1. The Person, Student and Teacher are class names. These classes have the following inheritance relation as shown below:
Person (Parent)
Student (child) Teacher (child)
In Java source file a specific method has an argument, In order to handle all these classes in this method which type of argument of this method should be used?
A. Person
B. Student
C. Teacher
D. Object
E. None of them can be used.
2. Given the following class definition in one source file:
Class Base {
Public Base () {//…}
Public Base ( int m ) {//…}
Protected void fun ( int n ) {//…}
Public class child extends Base {//member methods}
Which methods can be added into the child class correctly?
A. private void fun(int n){//…}
B. void fun (int n){//…}
C. protected void fun(int n){//…}
D. public void fun(int n){//…}
E. public m(){//…}
3. What is the result of executing the following code, using the parameters 4 and 0;
Public void divide(int a, int b){try
{int c=a/b;}catch(Exception e){System out print(“Exception”);}
A. Prints out: Exception Finally
B. Prints out: Finally
C. Prints out: Exception
D. No output
4. The range of int is _______________________.
5. 请基于Object Oriented使用java语言结构设计一个航空母舰对象组.
6. 实现Java程序:
public string reversestring(string instr,string substr,string replacestr){……在答题纸上实现代码……}
7. 实现Java程序:
public string getsubstring(string instr){……在答题纸上实现代码……}
8. based on your understanding of the following java related technologies:servlcts, JavaServerPage,JavaBeans,Enterprise JavaBeans, how do you think these technologies are work together or are applied in the development of an internet-based application(可以使用示意图方式)
9. 请描述在关系型数据库应用中,应该基于哪些原则进行SQL条件语句进行性能调优?
10. 请描述你是如何不断跟进和了解最新的软件技术,近期你在钻研哪些技术?