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NCLEX-RN&CGFNS真题解析-nursing implementation 2

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A client with obsessive-compulsive disorder keeping washing his hands before each meal is admitted to the psychiatric unit. On admission, the nurse notices desquamation and lesions on his hands. What action should the nurse take if the clients continuously wash his hand before meals?

    1. Limit his hand washing behavior. 
    2. Explain to the clients why he should not wash his hand continuously.

    3. Record the times the client washing his hands.

    4. Ignore it because this behavior can reduce the client’s anxiety.


对 于强迫症的病人,这些强迫性行为或者思维都是病人为了减轻心里的压力和焦虑而采取,这些行为和思维病人往往自己无法控制。在这些行为没有影响到病人的生理 状况的时候,我们不能轻易的去阻止或者打断,否则更加加重病人的焦虑。治疗时可以用脱敏,转移注意力,行为改良等方式结合药物治疗,逐渐帮助病人纠正。但 是当一个病人的强迫行为已经对他的生理造成了影响,比如这个题目中的病人,他的手开始出现脱皮和破损,那么就要给病人一定的限制了。这个题目中第一个选项 限制了病人的洗手行为。第二个选项向病人解释为什么不能洗手,但是并没有采取行动来限制。病人虽然知道了洗手不好,但是不一定能控制或者遵从,可能还是会 去不停地吸收,所以这个选项不对。第三个选项记录洗手次数,也没有行动来限制病人,也不对。第四个更加不对了。所以这个题目的正确选项是1