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NCLEX-RN考题题解 Nursing management 1

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A nursing team consists of a RN, 2 LPN and a NA. The nurse is assigning staff members to clients. Which of the following client should be cared by the RN?

    1. A patient with stroke is waiting to be assisted with ambulation.

    2. A questionnaire about an investigation should be spread to the clients.

    3. A patient with prostatitis is ordered urinary catherter insertion.

    4. A patient with anemia is waiting for his regular iron injection.


这时一个关于nursing management的题目。对于如何分配合理人员来照顾合适的病人,RN考试中经常遇到。原则如下:病情危重不稳定的由RN照顾,相对稳定的病人根据情况可以分配各LPN或者NA。另外,还要根据各自的工作职责来分配。RN可以做所有的护理工作,尤其是病人或者护理操作有关assessmentevaluationcomplicated nursingchemotherapytransfusion…),科学研究等,一定由RN来完成。LPN可以做基础护理和一些简单的侵入性治疗,比如肌肉,皮下注射,发药,常规用药等等。NA主要作基础的护理和一些科里的常规工作,比如常规的体温测量,收集简单标本,生活护理等。这个题目中,第一个选项显然可以分配给NA来做;第二个是关于科研的问卷调查,只能由RN来完成;第三第四都是简单的侵入治疗,可以有LPN来完成。所以这个题目正确选项是2