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priority@first action 2

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A nurse is answering phone call through the hotline at the emergency room. Depending on her judgment, in which order the nurse decides to take priority for these phone calls?

    1. A 40-year-old man said he had nothing to live for because he was in dry dock.

    2. A 79-year-old woman cried that her husband has just dead and she liked to go with her husband.

    3. A 17-year-old boy said he lost her girl friend and was standing at the bridge to jump down.

    4. A 34 year-old woman with cancer said she was going to take a bottle of Diazepam immediately.

    5. A 45-year-old man had amputation last month told the nurse that he was thinking to shot himself.


这是一个排序题,也叫drag and drop,根据情况的轻重缓急给与先后的关照。选项中的5个病人都有自杀的倾向,护士对这几个病人应该按照怎样的顺序来关照呢?那就要看那个病人最有可能先死了。对于自杀的病人,一般制定了详细的计划的最有可能实施,也最危险。这个题目中有两个病人制定了详细的计划,第3和第4个病人,并且都要立即实施了。那么这两个病人那个更危险呢?我们就要看那个的措施导致死亡最快。一般来说,枪击,跳楼,都可以导致立即死亡,上吊割腕次之,吃药又次之。因为割腕和吃药在死亡前都有一定的时间可以抢救的。所以我们可以判断,第3个要从桥上跳下去的病人是最危险的,很有可能马上致命,所以先关注他。第2关注的就是吃药的那个women了。剩下的3个人也很容易看出来,第5个病人有计划了,虽然不详细,但是已经想好了怎么死,所以也比较危险,需要第3个关注。还有两个病人都想死,但是都没有制定计划,那么我们就要考虑哪个病人自杀的可能性大了。一般来说,年龄大的,有严重疾病的,最近受大压力的人容易自杀,那么第一和第二个病人中,应该选择第2个病人先去关注,因为老人相对来说比中年人更有可能出现自杀的行为。因此这个题目的正确排序应该是3-4-5-2-1