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NURSING:A voice to lead – health for all.



n  我们的目标





ICN道德规范指出:“护理中的固有内容是对人权的尊重,包括文化权利、生命、选择权、尊严和尊重。护理照顾是受尊重的,不受年龄,肤色,信仰,文化,残疾或疾病,性别,性取向,国籍,政治,种族或社会地位的影响。护士为个人、家庭和社区提供健康服务,并与相关群体协调服务。护理的需求是普遍的。 “ (国际护士理事会,2012年)。

n  全民健康




n  资料包


n  成为领导者的声音



政策制定者与制定有效并以人为本的卫生系统的要求有一定距离; 他们是外围的。对于护士来说,这就是日常生活的体验。





Nursing, Global Health and Delivering Universal Health Coverage

Our Aim

According to their scope of practice, nurses provide appropriate, accessible and evidence-based care.

For Health for All to be achieved there must be a transformation in the approach to health and wellbeing.

With a core role as a patient advocate, their scientific reasoning skills, numbers and spectrum of care across the continuum, nurses are ideally placed to lead and inform health services decision making and policy development.

As one of the most trusted and respected health professions, nursing has a pivotal role to addressing the multiple health challenges that are being faced all over the world. Nurses are the engine room of the health system and are required to respond to the health needs of individuals, communities and the world.

The ICN Code of Ethics states that “Inherent in nursing is a respect for human rights, including cultural rights, the right to life and choice, to dignity and to be treated with respect. Nursing care is respectful of and unrestricted by considerations of age, colour, creed, culture, disability or illness, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, politics, race or social status. Nurses render health services to the individual, the family and the community and coordinate their services with those of related groups. The need for nursing is universal.” (International Council of Nurses, 2012).

Health for All

‘Health for All’, the precursor to Universal Health Coverage (UHC), was first articulated with appropriate guidelines and actions in the Alma Ata declaration on Primary Healthcare.

At its core, ‘Alma-Ata’ affirmed that improvements to health can only be obtained through the combination of health science, sound economics and policies, and actions against social injustices.

“Health for All means that health is brought into reach of everyone in a given country.” Health in this context means not just the availability of health services, but a complete state of physical and mental health that enables a person to lead a socially and economically productive life (Mahler, 2016)