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来源:中国护士网  作者:www.512test.com

International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth. The International Council of Nurses commemorates this important day each year with the production and distribution of the International Nurses' Day (IND) Kit. The IND Kit 2012 contains educational and public information materials, for use by nurses everywhere.http://www.512test.com 

The IND theme for 2012 is: Closing The Gap: From Evidence to Action缩小差距:从护理实证到临床应用. The content of this year's kit, including the poster image are posted here as downloadable documents for use by individual nurses, associations, health ministries and health institutions. This material has already been disseminated to national nurses' associations worldwide. Though mainly planned around May 12 each year, IND activities continue for much of the year by nurses and others. We encourage nurses everywhere to make extended use of the Closing The Gap: From Evidence to Action kit throughout the year, through individual action and group activities.