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国际护士会主席和首席执行官 致世界各国护士信

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全球的护士每天都在从事着健康护理的创新活动,期待提高病人照顾的结果和减少健康系统的运行成本是推动这些活动进行的动力。 这些自发的活动已经在病人的健康状况,公众的健康状况和健康系统的良好运行方面取得了明显的进步。然而,护士在这些方面的贡献却很少被认同,被宣传。这就 是为什么ICN选择护理事业的创新作为2009年国际护士节的主题。

我们生活在一个不断变化中的世界,这是我们的现实,也是我们的机遇和 挑战。作为护士,我们的机遇是,为全体人民创造一个不同的世界。这是有史以来最好的机会。我们领导着专业领域的临床教学,例如糖尿病学,心理健康学和风湿 病学。人们通常觉得很难接触到这些领域的根本,而护士正是这些领域健康服务的第一接触者。

专业知识、护理研究和传统护理服务为护士奠定了 成为健康服务创新中心的基础。但是,创新必须结合其持久性才能使我们的工作得到长足的发展。护士的解释代表了在解决现在和未来的全球健康挑战的一个关键点 ——挑战来自于人口老龄化、艾滋病、结核病、疟疾和越来越多的难以消除的疾病,例如贫困、不合理的财务分配和劳动力短缺。全球的健康照顾围绕着努力提供合 理的、安全的和有效的健康服务,同时有效的控制成本来进行,这是创新活动的基本需求。




Hiroko Minami                          David C. Benton

主席                                   首席执行官

(霍聪 译)





Dear Colleagues,

Nurses worldwide are engaged in innovative activities on a daily basis; activities motivated by the desire to improve patient care outcomes and the need to reduce costs to the health system. Many of these initiatives have resulted in significant improvements in the health of patients, populations and health systems. However, the nursing contribution to health care innovation is seldom recognised, publicised or shared among nursing and the wider public. That is why ICN has chosen to shine the spotlight on nursing innovation for the 2009 International Nurses Day kit.

We live in a world that is constantly changing. Such is our reality, our challenge and our

opportunity − our opportunity, as nurses, to make a significant difference to the world’s

people. We have never been in a better position to do so. We are heading up specialized clinics in such areas as diabetes, mental health and rheumatology. And we are fast becoming the first and primary point of contact for health services, often for people who find it difficult to access the mainstream. Expert knowledge and the nursing research that underpins this knowledge are at the heart of many of our new roles, as well as the basis for traditional nursing care. But it isthe combination of innovation and vitality that allows our work to take flight.

Novel solutions by nurses represent a vital element in efforts to address current and future global health challenges – challenges such as aging populations, HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, an increase in noncommunicable diseases, poverty, inadequate resources and workforce shortages. The need for innovative solutions has never been greater as health care environments globally struggle to provide equitable, safe and effective health services, while at the same time containing costs.

Within today’s context of scarce resources, continuous change and expanding knowledge, innovation is truly an expectation. The business sector and governments are among those investing heavily in this area. We must invest too − to advance our practice, and improve care and outcomes.

We hope this IND kit will assist you in promoting and sharing nursing innovations. Best

wishes for success and enjoyment on International Nurses Day 2009!.


Hiroko Minami                              David C. Benton

President                                   Chief Executive Officer