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- 护士币
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Despite what you may think, the universe is not necessarily a friendly place. Sure, things here on Earth have been pretty stable over the past few millennia, allowing human civilization to gain a foothold. But that could change at any time. Disaster lurks everywhere, from the deepest reaches of space to the very bowels of our planet. We've recruited nine prominent Canadian scientists (and one science fiction writer) and asked them to imagine how they think the world might end. We bring you The Quirks & Quarks Guide to the End of the World -- it's cataclysmically fun!
Our top ten list of civilization-destroying events:
1. Dr. Ray Jayawardhana, Canada Research Chair in Observational Astrophysics at the University of Toronto, explains what will happen when the expanding sun engulfs the earth and roasts the planet.
2. Dr. Vicki Kaspi, a Professor of Physics at McGill University, explores the irradiating effects of a giant gamma ray burst.
3. Dr. Laura Ferrarese, a Senior Researcher at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Victoria, suggests that a rogue black hole may set its voracious appetite on Earth.
4. Dr. Peter Brown, a researcher with the Meteor Physics Group at the University of Western Ontario, tells us what will happen if a giant asteroid plunges into Earth and pulverizes us.
5. Dr. Richard Peltier, Director of the Centre for Global Change Science at the University of Toronto, has a chilling scenario: the earth becomes a Popsicle planet and puts a freeze on photosynthesis.
6. Dr. Jo-Anne Brown, an Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Calgary, explains what would happen if the galactic magnetic cloud were to collapse.
7. Dr. Sabine Stanley, an Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Toronto, says the reversal of Earth's magnetic field may cause us some trouble.
8. Dr. Peter Sutherland, a Professor at McMaster University's Department of Physics and Astronomy, explores what would happen if a nearby star were to go supernova.
9. Dr. Sarah Barnes, a Canada Research Chair in Magmatic Metallogeny at the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi, talks about the possibility of a gigantic super-volcano blowing us to smithereens.
10. Canadian SF writer Robert J. Sawyer imagines an Earth under alien invasion.
1.Ray Jayawardhana博士, 来自多伦多大学,观察天体物理学加拿大研究会主席,预言地球将被扩张的太阳所吞没。
2.Vicki Kaspi博士,McGill 大学物理学教授,研究地球将在巨大的伽马射线风暴辐射下毁灭。
3.Laura Ferrarese博士,维多利亚Herzberg天体物理研究所资深研究员,提出地球将被一个流氓黑洞所吞噬。
4.Peter Brown博士,西Ontario大学陨石物理学教研组研究员,他的观点是一颗巨大的流星将突然冲入地球将我们磨成粉末。
5.Richard Peltier博士,来自多伦多大学,全球变化科学中心主任,其令人恐怖的剧本是由于光合作用,地球终将变为一颗冰冻的星球。
6.Jo-Anne Brown博士,Calgary大学物理学副教授,他的解释是银河系的磁场将毁灭地球。
7.Sabine Stanley博士,多伦多大学物理学副教授,认为地球磁场翻转将导致人类灭亡。
8.Peter Sutherland博士,McMaster大学物理学与天体学系教授,预言我们周围的一颗行星变成超行星的过程将使地球毁灭。
9.Sarah Barnes博士,来自Chicoutimi魁北克大学,岩浆成矿理论研究会主席,讲述了一个超级巨大的火山喷发将人类烧成粉末的预言。
10.Robert J. Sawyer ,加拿大科幻小说家,构想了地球被外星人入侵的故事。 |