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- 护士币
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Chances are, you'll be raising your glass once or twice this holiday season. While some wine or the occasional cocktail may help improve levels of HDL (the good cholesterol), the recommended limit is generally one drink a day (5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, or 1.5 ounces of liquor) for women, two for men. Two-thirds of women and half of men say they typically exceed that amount. And that, says a new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is associated with a 70 percent increased risk of high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and abdominal fat (the kind most dangerous for your heart).
Says lead author Amy Z. Fan, MD, "The best advice is to stay within the guidelines."
Some tips to help you moderate your intake:
Pay attention to the pour. Pull out the highball glass or wineglass you use most often, and measure how much it holds. Cornell University researchers discovered that people poured up to 30 percent more into short, wide glasses than into tall, slender ones.
Beware of binges. If you don't drink during the week, it's not okay to make up for that with five or more drinks on Saturday night. Drinking jags, even infrequent ones, especially increase the risk of high blood pressure and elevated triglycerides.
Say no to salty snacks. Parties mean big bowls of chips, pretzels, and nuts, all of which make you thirsty, so you feel like drinking more. But drinking on an empty stomach isn't smart either. Have a real meal of healthy food before you take your first sip.
时值假日,每个人应当会多少喝上一两次酒。 少量饮用葡萄酒,或偶尔喝一次鸡尾酒,可以有助于改善高密度脂蛋白(也就是那些对人体有益的胆固醇)的水平。每人每日建议饮酒次数一般是女性一日一次,男性最多一日两次。每次饮用最大量为5盎司葡萄酒,12盎司啤酒或1.5盎司的蒸馏酒(1盎司相当于29毫升)。 有三分之二的女性以及二分之一的男性声称,通常他们喝酒超过了上述的建议饮用量。 另外,疾病控制防御中心的一项新研究表明,饮酒过量会使患高血压、高甘油三酯症(高血脂)和腹部肥胖的风险增加70%。报告主笔人、医学博士艾米·Z·范说,"最好在建议范围内饮酒。"
谨防饮酒狂欢。如果你周一至周五都不喝酒,最好不要在周末狂饮以作"补偿"。 比起频繁饮酒,偶尔几次的大醉更能增加患高血压和高血脂的风险。
春节了,希望大家都好好照顾自己的胃啊~~每天都快快乐乐的! |