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学校内:10个最棒的大学生网络应用 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-1-2 18:08:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
For a lot of college students, the new semester is just around the corner. Last year, we created a long list of great Web 2.0 tools that we thought would be helpful for college students.
But given how fast things develop on the web, we thought we would revisit this topic again this year and look at some of the most useful Web 2.0 tools that have the potential to help students do better in school, collaborate with their fellow students, and save them time.
Taking Notes
1) Evernote
Evernote is a great note taking application, but that only scratches the surface of what it can do. If you are in a lecture, for example, you can also take a picture of the blackboard with your phone, upload it to the Evernote server, and thanks to Evernote's clever OCR algorithms, even pictures of handwritten notes become instantly searchable.

You can also use it to bookmark web pages and write down your own lecture notes. Best of all, you can use a web app, a Windows or Mac desktop app, or a Windows Mobile and iPhone app, all of which seamlessly synch with each other, so that your notes are always up to date.
2) Google Notebook
The Google Notebook is one of Google's lesser know products, but, thanks to a very well designed Firefox extension, it's a great tool for when you do most of your work in a browser already. If you do some of your research in Google Books and Google Scholar, you can also easily clip excerpts from books and articles into your Google Notebook.

One additional nice feature is that you can invite collaborators to work on a notebook with you. If you are doing a research project in a group, for example, you can easily share your research with your whole group.
Online Office Suites
3) Google and 4) Zoho
Word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation apps are probably the single most often used tool among college students, and while none of the online offerings can yet beat Microsoft Office (which, for students, now only costs around $60 for the Ultimate Edition), the online office suites from Google and Zoho do have some distinct advantages. Office obviously has a lot more features, but not only are both Google Apps and Zoho free, they also allow easier sharing of documents and working on projects collaboratively.

If we had to choose between Google's and Zoho's offering, our vote would probably go to Google, as the Google apps have a slightly more organized and professional feel to them, which, in the end, is going to make it easier to focus on the content of your documents.
5) Zotero
The standard tool for doing extensive bibliographies in academia is Endnote. While that is a great tool if you are writing a dissertation, Zotero is a great choice for less extensive research projects - and it's free. Zotero is a Firefox extension, so it is not technically a web app, but in its next version, the developers are promising the ability to synch your bibliographies to a web version of the tool, so that your books and notes will become available everywhere.

For now, Zotero lives in the status bar of Firefox, and it pops up a little icon in your URL bar every time it recognizes a compatible website. Zotero already supports the databases of a huge amount of libraries worldwide, as well as a lot of standard academic databases such as JSTOR, LexisNexis, InfoTrac, PubMed, or ScienceDirect. Besides curating your citations, you can also add notes, tag items, or add attachments (like pdf files of articles). Once you are done, Zotero will create a bibliography for you in most standard formats, including APA, MLA, or Chicago style.
6) EasyBib
If you just need to create a short bibliography, Zotero might be more than you need. EasyBib will just help you to quickly create a bibliography entry in MLA format - a favorite among literature teachers. It can also handle the APA format, but you will have to subscribe to the pro version of EasyBib.If you really hate figuring out where to put a comma and where to put a semicolon in your APA style bibliography entries, those $7.99 a year for the pro version might just turn out to be a bargain.

Also, if you only need a quick bibliography entry for a book, check out OttoBib, where you just have to enter the ISBN number and it will give you a fully formatted citation.
Staying Organized
7) Google Calendar
There are lots of great online calendars out there, including 30 Boxes and Yahoo's calendar app, but our favorite is the Google Calendar, simply because it is dead easy to use, integrates nicely with GMail, allows for importing and exporting your calendar, and lets you publish a site with your free/busy information with the click of a button, so that your friends know not to bother you while you are cramming for that test.

8) Remember the Milk
Remember the Milk might just be the tool that will keep you on track. And to make things even easier, Remember the Milk also integrates nicely with Google Calendar, so you can manage everything in one place.

Picking the Right Class
9) Rate My Professors
As much as teachers don't like sites like these, Professor Performance and Rate my Professors can be useful tools when you decide which class you want to take. While almost every university makes you rate your professor at the end of the semester, schools never make this data public, so whenever you get a choice between professors, you really have no idea who the better teacher is. We like Rate My Professors a bit more than Professor Performance, simply because its search is a lot easier and the site is a bit more up-to-date. The site now also features a Facebook application.

Keeping in Touch
10) Meebo
As much as your teachers would like to think so, college isn't just about classes, papers, and long ours in the library. If you want to stay in touch with your friends no matter what computer you are on, Meebo is a great universal IM client that lives on the web. It supports, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, ICQ, Jabber, and Google Talk, as well as Meebo's own IM architecture.

在一些大学生看来,新学期正好进入一个拐点。去年,我们曾推出一个最好的web2.0工具列表希望给一些大学生带来一些帮助 。
1) Evernote

当然,你也可以用它的网页书签功能写下你的课堂笔记,但它最牛逼之处就是,你可以在windows啦,mac,Windows Mobile, iPhone 这些平台上运行它,所有这一切都是合乎逻辑和同步运行的,所以你看看你的笔记本是多么的高科技啊。
2) Google Notebook
Google Notebook似乎是google比较少为人知的一个产品,但是,来感谢一个非常牛逼的firefox插件吧,当你开着浏览器在工作时候,这将是一个非 常酷的应用(事实上,我也在用)。当你用google books和google Scholar从事研究时,你可以用google notebook非常容易的摘取一些你想要的片段和文章。

3) Google and 4) Zoho
大学生里已经非常频繁的使用文字处理,电子表格制作,幻灯片这些手段。在没有出现在线应用以前不可能击败微软(现在购买Ultimate Edition还得花60美元),这些google和zoho的在线办公套件将带来截然不同的好处,Office当然非常好用,但它不像Google和Zoho 那样免费,而且在一个注重合作的项目里你可以非常容易的分享你的文件。

当然,与Powerpoint 和 Keynote相比,它们还很简陋,但它们是值得尊敬的竞争者,尤其是当你的需求比较简单可以考虑迁移到这些应用上面。
5) Zotero
在学术界,Endnote是一款应用最普遍的标准工具。如果你只是写论 文,而没有进行大范围的研究,而需要一个好的工具助你一臂之力时候,zotero将是你的上乘之选-而且它是免费的。zotero是firefox的插 件,不是web应用,但是在它的下一个版本,开发者将有可能帮助你同步你的文献到在一个web的版本上,这样的你保存的书籍和笔记将在任何地方都可以浏 览。

但现在,Zotero只住在firefox的状态栏里,且在地址栏上漂浮着一个icon图标,每时每刻,它都在不断的识别一 些重要的网页。Zotero拥有一个巨大的全球图书馆数据库,像一些标准的大学文献数据库,比如JSTOR, LexisNexis, InfoTrac, PubMed, ScienceDirect都在里面。作为你的好助手,你也可以添加笔记,标签项目,和增加附件(像pdf这样的文件)。一旦你开始用它,Zotero将 会建立一个文献标准文本,包括APA, MLA, Chicago这类风格。
6) EasyBib

如果你只需要书的目录,你可以登记OttoBib, 这样就就可以随时随地看ISBN数据,它可以给一个完整的目录。
7) Google Calendar
现在此类应用非常多, 30 Boxes和yahoo日历都是,但我们最喜欢的莫过于Google Calendar,简单易用,结合gmail,允许导出和导入文件,可以一键公开你的作息时间,这样你的朋友在你工作的时候就不会去打扰你了。

8) Remember the Milk
Remember the Milk一个持续记录人生轨迹的工具,它可以使一切事情变得容易起来,Remember the Milk可以与Google Calendar结合使用,你可以在上面管理任何事。

9) Rate My Professors
差不多所有的老师都不喜欢这样,当你下决心要学习一门课程的时候, Professor Performance 和 Rate my Professors是 一个非常有用的工具,每个学期末,大学都会要求你评估你的教授,但并没有公开这些评估的数据,所以在一堆的教授中间,你会为无法选择一个好的教授而苦恼 吧,我们喜欢评估一个教授大过于所谓教授履历,简单是因为搜索变得更加容易而网页的数据也不断的跟新,这个网页一个亮点是它是facebook的一个应 用。

10) Meebo
差不多你的老师也会这样认为,大学不只是上课,书本和长时间地呆在图书馆。假如你无论如何都要在电脑上联络你的朋友,Meebo 是一个非常棒的web界面的IM中介,它可以一次性绑定 AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, ICQ, Jabber, and Google Talk等诸多即时通讯工具,同时它自己本身也是一个IM。
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