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- 护士币
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31. sure thing. 当然。(还可以表示不客气的意思,相当于you are welcome.)
32. don’t push me. 别逼我。
33. what’s the fuss? 吵什么?
34. make it up! 不计前嫌。
35. does it serve your purposes. 劝你有用吗?
36. it doesn’t make any differences. 没关系。
37. how about eating out? 外面吃饭怎么样
38. there are eyes, ears, dots that couldn't be connected from the outside.
这里 michael 是用一个 connect the dots 的游戏打比方。connect the dots 就是我们汉语中所说的“连线游戏”:在一张纸上有许多的点,用笔把这些点连起来,就会呈现一个图 形。connect the dots 作为一个习语,意思是 understand the situation。
eyes and ears 指的是“了解/知道某些事情的某些人”,例如 a spy is a government's 'eyes and ears' in different places; a reporter is the 'eyes and ears' of a reader who wasn't at the situation the reporter was in.
michael 这句话的意思是 there are people inside the prison, and knowledge they can find inside the prison, that people from outside can't see. 因为这个越狱计划是 michael 入狱之前就设计好了的,但在细节上,还需要入狱后再设计。
39. more than meets the eye
意思是“某种情况/某件事/某个人远不是所看到的那样”,比如一个人穿的破破烂烂,但实际上非常聪明有钱。通常这个短语是褒义的。我们来看个例子:there's more to jack than meets the eye.
40. hold up
“持枪 |