Test 1:词汇量测试
请在 1 分钟 之内将以下三个雅思写作考试真题看完,正确地理解它们的意思。看完之后请前进到“ Part1 参考答案”部分,核对你所理解的题目意思和标准答案是否一致。如果你发现自己无法完全正确地理解题目请参阅后面的“路线 A ”,如果你能轻松且正确无误地看懂这些题目请前进至“ Test2 ”。
1. (2007.6.2)Today, more and more developing countries are expanding tourist industry. Why is it the case? Do you regard it as positive or negative?
2. (2007.7.7)In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In some other countries, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which system do you think is more appropriate?
3. (2007.7.14)In the past, lectures were used as way of teaching large number of students. But some people believe that with the development of technology, using lectures is no longer justified. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 当今,越来越多的发展中国家都在进一步发展旅游业。为什么会有这样的一种现象?你认为这个现象是积极的还是负面的?(如果你不认识tourist industry, positive, negative三个词汇当中的任何一个,则说明你目前的词汇量对于雅思考试来说是严重不足的。必须要恶补词汇了!)
2. 在有的国家,学校旨在提供一种包含一系列科目的综合性(应根据上下文理解为“综合性的”而不是“普通的”,这里等于comprehensive)教育。在有些国家,孩子们则专注于与特定职业有关的小范围的科目。对于当今世界来说,哪种体系在你看来更恰当?
3. 在过去,人们使用讲课(lectures在这里应根据上下文理解为“讲课”的意思,如果机械地理解为“演讲”将可能导致偏题。)的方式来对大量的学生进行教学。但有人认为随着技术的发展,这种方式已不再有效(考验词汇量的一个词,这里等同于valid)。你在多大程度上同意还是不同意?
路线A: 很不幸地告诉你,来到这条路线的考生在词汇量上存在着严重的不足,具体体现为在因为在考试中无法正确看懂题目而导致作文偏题,这种情况下作文得分为4分的可能性已经超过了80%! 解决方案当然是尽快恶补词汇,具体方法如下:请到无忧雅思网(51ielts)或3G雅思网(3GIELTS)的论坛下载历年雅思作文真题机经,或者直接登陆俞老师博客(收录了2006年全年作文真题)。将最近3年考过的所有真题通读一遍,你会发现有相当部分的题目重复率较高,每隔一段时间会反复出现。请把你在通读真题的过程中所有不认识的生词记录下来,每天熟读之直到完全记住。由于雅思作文考来考去就这么些题目,题目当中用来用去就这么点单词,因此搞定历年真题里的所有生词考试的时候基本上就不用担心看不懂题目的情况发生。
请从上面提供的 3 个真题中任选一题完成一篇完整的雅思议论文。要求字数 250 字以上,且必须在 40 分钟内完成。
能够在 40 分钟内写满 250 字的请前进至 Test3 ,不能在 40 分钟内完成文章或者虽然完成了文章但字数不足的请参阅“路线 B ”。
能够前进到 Test3 说明你至少已经具备了 5 分的水平了。当然作文 5 分对很多同学来说还是不够的。那有没有达到 6 分水平呢?通过下面的测试来鉴定吧!
People’s concern is that what effects will part-time jobs bring.
A part-time job offers you chance to demonstrate your ability
and to apply that you have learned in school into practice.
A part-time job helps you become more independence in your family.
Third, the experience that you gain can broaden your school life.
However, there are also some negative effects may be brought by taking part time jobs.
You may lose time needs for sleep, rest, study and recreation.
Work several hours a day consumes a lot of time and energy
and may affect your study. You may find it hard adjust to the
expectation from the school and your parent.
答对不足8题者说明你目前的水平基本定格在5分左右。具体表现为在语法和单词使用上存在一定的问题,考试的时候很有可能写出病句或把单词用错。如果问题主要是语法方面的话建议参加新东方基础班的语法课,如果是单词使用方面的话建议加强英语文章的阅读量,看看老外写的文章里面那些你认识的单词是怎么用的。先从21st Century这份英语报纸入手吧!
1. 一个人的成功是由很多因素决定的,而其中又以一个人的实践能力最为重要。
2. 每天到处都是交通堵塞,给人们的生活带来极大不便。
3. 劳动能够让孩子们意识到自己的强项和弱点在哪里,从而激发他们的求知欲。
1. 6 分句: One’s success is decided by many factors, and one’s practical ability is the most important.
One’s success depends on a lot of factors, and one’s practical ability is the most important.
7 分句: One’s success owes much to quite a number of factors, with one’s practical ability being the most essential.
2. 6 分句: Every day there are many traffic jams everywhere and it makes people’s life very inconvenient.
Every day there are many traffic jams everywhere and it brings great inconvenience to people’s life.
7 分句:Every day traffic jams can be seen everywhere, resulting in great inconvenience to people’s daily life.
3. 6 分句: Labor can let children know where their strength and weakness are, and stimulate their desire to study.
7 分句:Labor can make children realize where their strength and weakness lie, which in turn stimulates children’s thirst for knowledge.