At first this photo seems to be a couple with a large head floating between them. But look again - things aren’t always what they seem.
Most people who look at this old photograph will probably see a large bearded head between the two figures. It looks like an image of Jesus.
You’ll probably think it’s just a crude hoax from bygone days. But look again, carefully. This is not a hoax at all. What the photo actually shows is a child sitting on the man’s knee.
Block out the head’s “hair.” That’s just a collection of foliage in the background. The “eye” is the face the child, shadowed by a large white bonnet. The “nose” is the sleeve of the child’s shirt. And the “mustache” is the child’s arm, bent at the elbow.
Be patient. It may take you awhile to see this.
耐心点儿。你可能需要一点儿时间才能看出来。 看的看的还是像人头 哎呀 我终于看出来是孩子了··· 呵呵 ~~
这张照片照的太绝了~~ 小孩而的帽子好大啊 就内帽子我看了N久 嘿嘿 好难看出来呀